Hello and welcome to the Mind Our Rights Education Programme! (MORE-P)

Mind Our Rights Programme has been designed and is managed and delivered by a team,all of whom have lived experience of mental health issues, either themselves or as carers. We are the Education Wing of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Patients Council.

Our goal is to educate on Human Rights within mental health care in Scotland.We are funded by the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership and NHS Lothian to deliver the training across Lothian.Our workshops are free and all are welcome to attend. They are open to all staff, service users and carers who feel this information would be useful in their personal and professional lives.One goal of the workshop is educating Duty Bearers working in mental health care, NHS and third sector,as well as those such as independent Advocates who may be directly supporting Rights Holders.

The human rights landscape within mental health service provision in Scotland is changing rapidly and we want all working in the field to be up to speed with these changes.The workshops are designed with a plurality of voices in mind,including race,gender religious,social and family For more information or to book a place please contact the Organiser of the Programme Martin McAlpine martin.mcalpine@rehpatientscouncil.org.uk

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We hope you find it interesting and that we see you soon